Gura Birthday Project

Tell Gura happy birthday!

About this Project

Organized by: Hololive English Fan ServerEvent date: 22 May 2021

Happy Birthday Gura!

If you're here to listen to chumbuds tell Gura happy birthday, that video is down at the bottom of the page in the Gallery section!

The chumbuds went a little nuts with the cameos, so here are the ones we got permission to link to (plus a little description on what they are):

First up, the Vergilposts we have permission for (there are more out there!)

Next, a very confused Arthur Morgan!

And here's a Leon from RE2

As well as Claire Redfield from RE

There are more cameos - a Dante and Vergil pair were posted that reply to each other!

Misc. Other Projects:

Well, apparently people like being featured here, and more have asked to be up to show their projects - here we go





Community Submissions